Immutable Backups:

What are they and why are they important for your MSP?

Ransomware attacks are increasing at an exponential rate, destroying important systems and resulting in unexpected shutdowns and costly recovery for those who are unprepared. Hackers are targeting backups as they understand how important they are for recovering from a ransomware attack or other data loss disaster.

Introducing immutable backups: The next level of privacy protection is intended to be an unbreakable barrier against modern cyberattacks. Immutable backups are extremely secure copies of your data. They cannot be deleted, changed, or overwritten once saved. They are stored using a particular technology known as WORM (write-once, read-many), which locks them in place and protects them against unauthorized changes.

This article will help you make an informed decision about incorporating this cutting-edge technology into your clients' data protection strategies.

Understanding Immutable Backups: Protecting End Users

Ransomware, unattended access, natural disasters, and unintended deletion are all potential causes of data corruption. Although ransomware and hacking are primary issues, it is critical to protect against additional threats. Making an immutable copy of clients' data is recommended to ensure that the immutable backup is secure against disasters or attacks and easily recoverable when required. Immutable backups may be needed to meet compliance, regulatory, or legal requirements to protect the end-users clients' data, depending on the industry.

MSPs have become a popular target for cybercriminals. It follows that when an MSP is weak, so are its clients. A data recovery strategy and tools are essential for business availability, steady revenue, and reputation with customers and partners.

Immutability can significantly improve data integrity. Integrate immutable storage into your security plan and strategy to secure sensitive information. Use anomaly recognition, retention lock, and air-gapped backups to quickly identify and isolate threats.

Immutable Vs Traditional (Mutable) Backups


Immutable. Data copies that cannot be changed or erased are irreversible. Mutable: Data copies can be edited or erased.


Safe from unintentional deletion and ransomware. Backup encryption attempts have proven futile.- Highly vulnerable to unintentional deletion and ransomware attacks.

Recovery Time

Due to the availability of uncorrupted backups, recovery times are faster. The recovery period may be longer because backups must be verified for integrity.


A secure document streamlines compliance checks and eliminates the risk of penalties. It can be difficult to provide a comprehensive list of past events for audits.


More scalable options are available to handle future data expansion. Scaling can become difficult and expensive as the data expands.


Backups are self-verifying and secure, so they require less monitoring. Consistent management is required to prevent human error.

Immutability Backup: How Does It Work?

Immutable backup solutions make a read-only copy, ensuring that no one can edit the data or erase it. Encryption ensures authorized and verified users may access the data. Immutable backup data is also compressed to save storage space and speed up the recovery rate.

Immutable backup solutions are increasingly using blockchain technology's nonfungibility. Every event, such as backup generation or backup restoration, can be kept in a "block" that is securely linked to a clear, sequential order of blocks.

When the time limit has passed, the object lock is released, and the backup copy is no longer immutable. While it is possible to create a backup for an endless period, this is unlikely because every organization's data evolves with time, and an immutable backup may become significantly out of date over time.

The five most popular types of immutable backups are listed below:

The WORM Mechanism

WORM (write once, read many) is a system for storing data that enables data to be written to a storage device just once while preventing it from being erased or modified. Data saved on a WORM-compliant medium becomes immutable; authorized personnel can read it as many times as required, but they cannot modify it. Organizations employ the WORM mechanism to meet legal obligations such as security and privacy, as well as to protect active files, archive integrity, and data security strategies.

Continuous Data Protection

Continuous Data Protection (CDP) allows a system to be restored to any point in time and keeps a continuous diary of data changes. This addresses the "backup window" issue, in which organizations could lose data created between two planned backups. It also provides strong protection against risks such as ransomware and malware, as well as manipulation or inadvertent data deletion. CDP backup methods save data for periods of minutes or seconds.

Versioned Backup

A versioned backup system allows the generation of numerous copies of the same data. Backups save each duplicate of the data, guaranteeing that earlier versions can be accessed and recovered at all times. Backups are often scheduled, whereas versioning happens when a file changes. Versioned backup systems are commonly used for essential corporate data, like source code, financial records, and software development tasks, which are frequently modified.

Cloud-Based Data Storage Backup

This immutable solution uses distant cloud servers for storing backups, ensuring that data is available from any location. Additionally, if an organization's needs for data storage change, cloud backups can be scaled up or down. Cloud-based immutable backups are just as efficient as those maintained on-premises. The difference is in performance, scalability, and initial expenses.

Time-based Snapshots

Time-based snapshots are obtained at periodic times using the delta technique. Each snapshot only reflects changes that have happened since the previous backup. Time-based snapshots are excellent for storage platforms used by several virtual machines. Snapshots are taken regularly to assist in data recovery, and the most current snapshot is always available.

Immutable Backup Security

Immutable backups are highly secure, and an air-gapping technique includes an extra security layer. To effectively secure your data, you must have a solution in place that protects backups while keeping them available when needed, and air-gapped backups offer this option. Air-gapped backups are physically stored in a remote location. To access these backups, you will need to physically visit that particular location.

Air-gapping is used to implement the 3-2-1-1 rule. This rule states that organizations need to have three copies of their data kept in two forms of storage, with one in a physical off-site location and the remaining one as immutable or air-gapped backup data.

Immutable Backups: Why MSPs Need Them

Without question, one of a company's most valuable assets is data, so protecting it should be of utmost importance. Immutable backup is particularly effective considering it is mostly error-free. In today's ever-changing cybersecurity threat scenario, conventional data backups can leave vulnerabilities to ransomware attacks. Immutable data backups are game changers, as they protect the integrity of your data.
Immutable backups are crucial for MSPs for the following reasons:

Enhanced Security

The key advantage of immutable backups is that they are resistant to ransomware and other intrusions. Because these backups cannot be changed once created, malicious individuals are unable to encrypt or edit the data, assuring a consistent recovery point.

Recovery Process Simplification

Businesses now have a simple, reliable technique for recovering lost data. The confidence in data integrity streamlines the restoration process, decreasing downtime and related expenses. 

Boosted client trust

Offering this backup as part of your service package demonstrates a proactive attitude towards data security. This indicates your commitment to protecting your clients' most valuable asset: their data.

Scalability for Potential Growth

Today's immutable backup systems are designed to be scalable. This enables you to quickly handle your clients' growing data as their businesses expand, guaranteeing ongoing data security.

Reduced Management Costs

Immutable backups require less continuous administration than regular backups due to their self-verification and invulnerability. This allows you to devote more effort to other important jobs.

Stand Out Amongst Your Competitors

Any MSP will find it difficult to differentiate themselves from their competitors. By providing the best data protection, such as immutable backup storage, you can spark new conversations and open new opportunities.

Many vendors provide MSP backup immutability options, and selecting the best one for your company should not be a random choice. Ideally, you should find a vendor who will help you get on track to providing a complete data protection strategy to your clients.

Online storage software helps the managed service provider (MSP) company provide extensive data protection and disaster recovery options to clients in the midst of evolving cyber threats. It provides you with an advantage in the cutthroat MSP industry and secures your reputation as a top service supplier that clients can trust with all of their security and data protection requirements.

When selecting an MSP recovery solution, you should look at these key differentiators:

System Support

Choose an option that can handle as many different systems as possible to maximize the value of your online backup software for clients, regardless of how their environments are set up. This covers virtual, cloud, and physical workloads.

Fair pricing

A fair pay-as-you-go pricing strategy would be excellent since your clients should only pay for the services they take and demand. Additionally, it should allow users to modify their monthly payments according to their demands while preventing an extended period of "lock-in" contracts.

Extensive Information Protection

A credible MSP backup service should incorporate robust encryption, immutability, and other anti-malware measures to assist customers in maintaining safety and compliance throughout their IT infrastructure.

Storage options

Ideal backup solutions should include multi-cloud storage options that match diverse client needs and make it simpler for them to comply with various regulatory standards that involve diverse storage methods and locations. 

Fast deployment

Many firms choose third-party cloud backup vendors to implement backup solutions as soon as possible. As a result, it's critical to select a backup solution that can be quickly deployed with minimal work and without impacting the client's activities.

Easy maintenance management

An effective backup system should provide a unified view of everything going on at the client's operational and backup sites, covering backup performance and speed, testing verification, estimated recovery times, and more.

Why Probax?

Probax is on a mission to help MSPs level up their businesses by providing cost-effective, secure, simple, and automated long-term S3-compatible object storage with immutability. Probax has got you covered with everything from automated, uninterrupted backups to straightforward management and super-quick recoveries. MSP Backup integrates Wasabi's cloud efficiency and Veeam's enterprise robustness.  With smooth cloud integration, you can access your files from anywhere, anytime, and say goodbye to data loss nightmares.

Reach out to us to begin your journey towards seamless data protection!